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Decision forests for medical image analysis - MISS 2014 (11)

di Lorenzo Di Silvestro, Mauro Sodano e Agata Ventura

Prof. Antonio Criminisi (Microsoft Research, Cambridge), lecture 1

Prof. Antonio Criminisi (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK) was one of the speakers of Medical Imaging Summer School (Sicily, July 28-August 1, 2014), here you can find his lecture 1: "Decision forests for medical image analysis".

Abstract. I talk about theory and practice of decision forests and their application in medical image analysis.

In particular I talk about classification, regression and manifold forests. I also show details about how to use those for e.g. organ localization and anomaly detection in medical images. I provide pointers to freely available code and exercises.

Shooting: Lorenzo Di Silvestro, Mauro Sodano
Editing and post-production: Lorenzo Di Silvestro, Agata Ventura

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